Below is some of the useful information I have pulled together to summarise a recent coaching seminar I attended.
You should break your short game into the following yardages:
1 – 30 yards
30 – 50 yards
50 – 75 yards
75 – 100 yards
100 – 120 yards
The best players in the world at these disciplines are not the same people i.e. some are very good at short wedge shots around the green but not necessarily longer ones. This is likely down to the different technique that is required for the different lengths with the longer shot being more like normal full swings.
General Set-Up:
Normally a narrow stance with forward foot splayed out to give balance. Hands a little forward at address. Weight just about 60% on the forward foot.
Some Facts:
The top players spin the ball at around 8000- 10000 rpm on shots of 50 + yards.
In order to create this spin you MUST use tour ball, like a Titleist ProV1 or Taylor Made TP or Callaway Chrome Soft (the covers and outer mantles on these balls create more friction).
They will normally launch the ball between 24° and 30°- this is using a 56° to 60° wedge!
The dynamic loft at the moment of impact is normally 15° less than the loft of the club, therefore, there is around 15 of forward shaft lean (de-lofting).
However, the better players normally also open the club face on all of these wedge shots, so there may be more forward shaft lean than 15°.
So, a 60° wedge will have roughly 45° of loft at impact but the ball still launches under 30°. The reason for this low launch is the friction between the ball and the club. This friction is what creates spin.
To achieve maximum spin, you need to achieve a spin loft of around 50° to 55° (spin loft is the difference between dynamic loft and the angle of attack on the ball)
This could be achieved with a 60° wedge, de-lofted to 45° and hitting down on the ball 10° for example.
The Low Point of the swing is vitally important to achieve a good strike, therefore controlling the arc of the swing from hip high through to hip high is crucial.
Never push your hands down as this can make the low point before the ball and too low to make good contact.
Many good pitchers keep their right elbow gently against their right side through impact so they can control the low point without making too much of a downward strike.
Best player proximity to hole from 50 – 120 yards = 14.3 feet. Tour average for these yardages is 18 feet. From the rough the tour average increases to 29 feet from these yardages.
On average the best wedge players get down in 2 from these yardages 50% of the time if their ball is hit from the fairway.
From around the green (under 30 yards) the best players get the ball to within 6 feet on average.
Can You Do This?
If you want to learn how to hit some of these shots, learn more about and improve your short game, contact us in the Pro Shop or click here to book a golf lesson.